Tag Archives: Groupon

Is Customer Retention the Achilles Heel of Groupon’s Business Model?

Groupon is a very profitable company with an interesting  business model.  There is no questioning  that.  The question is how long those  profits will last if they can’t deliver to their customers.  Companies dish out big bucks to get business  through Groupon.  Why doesn’t the social  promotions site take their obligation more seriously? Revenues topped […]


Is Groupon’s Business Model the Foundation for Failure?

Groupon claims that they are on target to make over $1 billion in sales faster than any other company. They have purchased similar one-day deal sites around the globe and re-branded them as international Groupon sites. In June of this year they filed with the SEC to raise capital for an IPO they claim will […]


Groupon Business Model vs. Val-Pak

We asked some of the top business bloggers for their take on the Groupon business model.  Over the next several weeks, we will be posting these articles on the Groupon business model. Our first post is by Vicki Thomas-  Groupon is in the news more and more these days and particularly so with the rise […]


Groupon Asks Investors to Ignore Their “Wildly Profitable” Statement

Is Groupon “wildly profitable”? That’s how Groupon co-founder Eric Lefkofsky described his company in an interview with Bloomberg in early June 2011. But now Groupon is singing a different tune. Groupon Inc. has filed an amended document for its planned initial public offering that asks investors to ignore Lefkofsky’s statement. But why? Perhaps it is […]


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