Become a Certified Business Model Analyst

Become a Certified Business Model Analyst

If you are a consultant, coach, business owner, educator, or just interested in maximizing your knowledge of business models, we offer the world’s only business model certification. By becoming a Certified Business Model Analyst you can signify your expertise with the CBMA designation.

Please view the introductory slide shows and frequently asked questions below.


What are the benefits of certification?

Certified Business Model Analysts enjoy many benefits including:


Learn more about the Business Quotient Tool


Who can become a Certified Business Model Analyst (CBMA)?

Any businessperson with five years of qualifying experience is eligible to train for the CMBA certification. Qualifying experience includes, but is not limited to:


What is the certification process?

Candidates must complete an initial questionnaire demonstration their general business experience and acumen. Once this application is accepted, candidates must complete an extensive online training program. Then candidates must pass a written examination demonstrating their knowledge of business models and our proprietary business model scoring system. Group rates are also available.

Training program highlights:


Learn the details of the certification process


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