Tag Archives: delegation

Is Delegation Part of Your Business Model? – Part 3

This post is a continuation of the discussion: Is Delegation Part of Your Business Model? Are you ready for the whole enchilada?  If you can bear a twenty four minute presentation, I promise you can become a better delegator.  Here’s why: Every book written discusses Fortune 500-type delegation.  Small-to-midsized businesses do not need big company […]


Delegation and Your Business Model – Part 2

This post is a continuation of the discussion: Is Delegation Part of Your Business Model? Delegation is a skill unnatural to entrepreneurs. The best entrepreneurs are independent, big picture thinkers. This might make them a terrific entrepreneur, but these same qualities hinder effective delegation. If you are an entrepreneur and find delegation frustrating or unnatural, […]


Is Delegation Part of Your Business Model?

Yes! The ability to leverage the abilities of key personnel is critical to any business and business model. If key talent cannot be leveraged through any means, the business model is in trouble. Let’s take Zig Ziglar’s business model for example. Zig Ziglar is one of the all-time speaking greats. In his prime, Zig’s company […]


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