Tag Archives: Apple

Scoring Apple’s Business Model Before and After Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs may have been only one man, however, his impact on Apple was both significant and profitable.  We decided to evaluate Apple’s business model with and without Steve Jobs. We ran Apple’s business model through the Business Model Evaluator under both scenarios.  You can see the results in detail below.  Apple’s business model score […]


Apple’s Business Model: Before and After Jobs 2.0

With the recent passing of Steve Jobs, one question lingers in the minds of techies and business leaders alike: what will happen to Apple without Jobs at the helm? More specifically, what products will Apple release and how will the company’s business model change without Jobs to direct the company into new sectors? How long […]


Will $99 Tablets Ruin Apple’s Business Model?

Apple has sold 25 million iPads since their April 2010 release. They currently possess 82% of the market and seem to show no signs of letting up with the iPad 3 coming soon. With a price tag ranging from $499 to $829 (depending on the iPad model) the iPad has proved to be a profitable […]


Apple Tests AT&T business model

As Verizon rolls out its own version of the iPhone, the AT&T business model is being tested.  AT&T’s market share growth was largely dependent upon exclusive availability of the iPhone.  iPhones went from 0% market share in late 2007 to 25% of all U.S. handsets in 2010.  With Verizon now offering inexpensive iPhones on a […]


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