Business Model Secrets Online Course

Business Owners and CEOs:
Improve Your Business Model & Increase Your Profits
by attending the…



Course Highlights:

  1. In-depth model analysis
    • Model history with versioning
    • Dozens of real-world business model modification examples to glean best practices
  2. Identifying which of the 87 model changers will work for your business
  3. Creating an action plan for implementation
  4. 45-minute live session with you (at your option) following the course
  5. Action guide for each module
  6. Idea checklist for each module

Class Schedule:

Module 1 – Background & analysis of your existing business model

  • 25 potential sources of business model improvements

  • In-depth analysis of your existing model
  • Pull back the curtain – how model analysis works
  • Learn King Gillette and Henry Ford’s secret strategy. Hint: It wasn’t the assembly line that made Henry Ford rich, it was this strategy.

Module 2 – Model assessment interpretation and profit opportunities

  • Versioning and point releases of your existing business model
  • Learn to move from the “buffalo hunt” sales method towards recurring revenue
  • Learn what product we all gladly buy that is more expensive than Russian Caviar

Module 3 – 87 Profit enhancing opportunities

  • 16 hats method
  • 98/2 Business Models
  • Learn how to create a hyper-niche for your business
  • Learn the secrets of exploding the bell curve
  • Learn how extreme guarantees could double your sales and profits

Module 4 – Detailed how-to for the top 7 profit enhancers

  • Learn how vulnerability analysis might impact your business
  • Learn how Duraflame took a losing business model and turned it into a $500M winner
  • Learn the secrets of “Reverse Insurance”
  • Picking two of the top 7 methods to implement at your company
  • In-depth understanding of the top 7 model enhancers

Module 5 – Action steps and implementation planning for business model enhancement

  • The “new pig” exercise
  • Time manufacturing
  • Understand the 3 undeniable business trends
  • Creating an action plan to update and implement your business model changes
Modules also available in Podcast


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