Stop addressing the symptoms of poor profitability and address the root cause YOUR BUSINESS MODEL
Business Model Secrets
Online Course
Taught by Author & Business Coach
CPA, JD Jim Muehlhausen
5 Classes : Only $199
Class Schedule
Module 1 –
Finding the strenghts and weaknesses of your existing business model
Module 2 –
Creating a better model by dissecting the business model into eight sections
- Versioning and point releases of your existing business model
- Learn to move from the “buffalo hunt” sales method towards recurring revenue
- Learn what product we all gladly buy that is more expensive than Russian Caviar
Module 3 –
87 profit-enhancing opportunities
Module 4 –
7 game-changing business model tips
Module 5 –
Creating the action plan to enhance your model
Course Highlights
- In-depth model analysis
- Model history with versioning
- Dozens of real-world business model modification examples to glean best practices
- Identifying which of the 87 model changers will work for your business
- Creating an action plan for implementation
- 45-minute live session with you (at your option) following the course
- Action guide for each module
- Idea checklist for each module
Modules also available in Podcast |
Courses available via our online learning portal or live at our Indianapolis offices beginning January 7th, 2015